Atlanta nonprofit prepared to keep resettling refugees regardless of who is president

Four men strode back and forth through a warehouse full of everything needed to move into a new home: toiletries, furniture, cleaning supplies. 

“Right now we are loading for a family of five,” said Vedad Fatic, the logistics coordinator with the Welcome Co-Op, a unique-to-Atlanta nonprofit that handles setting up apartments for refugees. “I’m trying to get household items, and they are loading the big stuff.”

Georgia resettles the third most refugees in the country, but that number changes depending on who is president. During the Trump administration, refugee acceptance rates in the U.S. plummeted to historic lows. Refugee resettlement agencies had to lay off staff and adjust the services they offered. 

Read more from Emily Wu Pearson’s article here.


Refugee resettlement to Atlanta paused, funding stopped


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